Sunday 4 June 2017

Shakespeare today 5


QUESTION: Analyse contemporary Shakespeare productions with reference to live performances you may have seen or clips or footage available online. You should comment on what you notice about them and how they differ from what you know about the original performance conditions of Shakespeare’s work? (Don’t be afraid to point out the obvious).

Image result for 12th night national theatre

As a Strand we were able to go to the see the production of Twelfth night in the National theatre. It was one of the best shows I've ever had the opportunity to see because it was a vibrant colourful show that i understood.I often think with Shakespeare i wont understand the plot or anything that is going on but through this process i have learnt that the lines are understood through body language,facial expression and strong vocals. You need to have the ability to pronounce each syllable clearly whilst understanding when a change in pace or pitch is needed because this is how the audience will be able to pick up on a change in subject or emotion.This is how i knew what was going on and was able to follow the plot clearly. They used bright colour and a moving set to captivate the audience and a lot of the actors you could distinguish through there open characterisation and there strong presence. I noticed as a cast they were very engaged with the audience they would often share out inside jokes using gestures or over exaggerated body language. They used pace really well and even in times when it was just one actor onstage doing a monologue they were extremely open in the way they spoke and the audience were aware of each thought change. 

Twelfth Night

by William Shakespeare

15 Feb - 13 May 2017
Running Time: 3 hours, including 20-minute interval
A ship is wrecked on the rocks. Viola is washed ashore but her twin brother Sebastian is lost. Determined to survive on her own, she steps out to explore a new land.So begins a whirlwind of mistaken identity and unrequited love. The nearby households of Olivia and Orsino are overrun with passion. Even Olivia's upright housekeeper Malvolia is swept up in the madness.Where music is the food of love, and nobody is quite what they seem, anything proves possible   

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